Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Catching Up with Loren in THINK Magazine

Loren Ridinger, Senior Vice President of Market America, entrepreneur, Internet mogul and fashion icon, is well known for creating a stir in Miami’s society pages. Since her recent surgery to treat a brain aneurysm, she has become even more outspoken as a philanthropist and advocate for taking charge of your life. THINK Magazine, South Florida’s cutting edge source for information, has taken notice.

Loren’s journey through diagnosis and treatment of a brain aneurysm is highlighted in the pages of THINK’s September issue. Loren has been inspiring others and encouraging people around the world to make sure they’re their own advocates – all through the use of Twitter. In just 140 characters, she has been creating a conversation to motivate others in her position to get the help they need, while also sharing valuable information about this rare condition.

Loren has turned a tool for communication into a method of creating change. You can read more about it by clicking here, or in the pages of this month’s THINK Magazine. It’s fast and free to view the digital magazine! You can learn even more about Loren’s experience recovering from her brain aneurysm by visiting Loren’s World, and be sure to follow Loren on Twitter – @LorenRidinger.

How are you using social media to create change in your world?

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